Spear Phishing in Critical Infrastructure: Potential Applications of Mixed Methods Action Research

“Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people.”  – Bruce Schneier, American cryptographer and writer. Abstract Spear phishing is a growing attack vector in critical infrastructure sectors. The majority of cybersecurity literature focuses on presenting technical solutions to technical problems; due to the complex nature of this type of social engineering attack (which Read more…

Cybersecurity Culture: A Definition and Maturity Model For Critical Infrastructure

“If you get the culture right, most of the other stuff will just take care of itself.” – Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos Abstract As the world becomes more interconnected, cybersecurity continues to be a growing concern in critical infrastructure environments. Neither policies and procedures nor technical solutions can consider all Read more…

Economic Cyber Espionage: Issue Definition and Potential Policy Intervention Points in Canada’s Science, Technology, and Innovation & Cybersecurity Strategies

Introduction (Canada’s) Government has made science, technology and innovation top priorities. Since 2006, we have invested more than $11 billion in new resources to support discovery-driven and applied research, knowledge and skills development, research infrastructure and innovative activities in the private sector. These investments are creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity Read more…